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MSF Soft Launch And Patient Awareness Day

MSF in collaboration with Persatuan Dermatologi Malaysia (PDM), organised a Patient Awareness Day in conjunction with its soft launch on 17 December 2022 at the Main Auditorium, Hospital Tunku Azizah, Kuala Lumpur.

The event was attended by the public as well as representatives from the various advocacy groups such as Psoriasis Association of Malaysia, Psoriasis Association of Johor, DEBRA Malaysia, Persatuan Ekzema Malaysia, PEKIM and Hidradenitis Suppurativa Support Group.

The event started with speeches by Dr Agnes Heng, Founding Chairperson of MSF, and Dr Sharifah Rosniza, representing Dr Sabeera Begum, President of PDM, followed by the soft launch, witnessed by prominent dermatologists such as Dr Suganthi Thevarajah, Head of Dermatology Services, Ministry of Health Malaysia, Dato Dr Noor Zalmy Azizan, Dr Azura Mohd Affandi, Dr Benji Teoh, Dr Sharifah Rosniza as well as En Mohd Faiz Abdullah, member of the Board of Trustees of MSF and En Jasni Abdul Jalil, secretary of MSF.

This was followed by a series of talks on challenging skin diseases like psoriasis, eczema, hidradenitis suppurativa and epidermolysis bullosa by Dr Azura, Dr Benji, Dr Kartini and Dr Deidre respectively.

Free skin checks were also provided by the dermatology trainees of Hospital Kuala Lumpur. The event concluded with presentation of mock cheques to the various patient support group as gesture of appreciation by Dr Agnes Heng.

The event was supported by Zuellig Pharma as the Gold sponsor, Sanofi as the Bronze sponsor, as well as Novartis, Hyphens and Ego Pharm while Abbvie provided secretariat support.